Manifestation- the law of attraction

  • Belief makes it or breaks it
  • Frequency of thoughts
  • Why isn’t everybody living the life of their dreams?
  • Negation- ‘don’t’, ‘not’ and ‘no’


The law of attraction is the most powerful tool towards the path of manifesting your dream life. It is the law that determines every moment of your entire life and all the things you experience in your life.

 It is very simple too! ‘Your thoughts create your reality’, that’s it, yet people struggle practising it and turning their thoughts into reality. Ever wondered why?

The simple reason behind it is that they are not practising it the right way.

This article highlight how you should practise the law of attraction the right way to manifest whatever you want!

Belief makes it or breaks it

While your thoughts do create your reality, simply thinking them is not enough. Your beliefs matter the most.

You might think about having a lot of money everyday but subconsciously you believe that money is only going to enter into your life after a lot of hard work and turmoil. This belief contradicts with your thoughts of having money and cancels out the power of your thoughts.

Thoughts and belief together make your manifestations work!

One cannot exist without the other and one cannot work without the other.

Frequency of thoughts

Every single thought that comes to your mind has a frequency. You can measure the frequency of your thoughts. Simply thinking about something once in a while won’t work.

What you need to do is imagine. Imagine having the life you want, walk through a day in your imagination, imagine the kind of house you live in, the kind of job you have, imagine having a ton of money and being with your soulmate. Go through this day consistently. Repeat it in your mind every day.

When you imagine you are operating at a good frequency of your thoughts. When you emit that frequency consistently it is going to manifest easily.

As the famous Bob Proctor said “If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand”.

Why isn’t everybody living the life of their dreams?

The law is absolute. There are no mistakes. The only mistakes lie in your thoughts and beliefs.

Listen to your thoughts, listen to the words that you say to yourself. People, rather than thinking about ‘what they want’, think about ‘what they don’t want’.

The universe reflects your thoughts as your own life experiences. So, if you constantly feel like the career you want is not possible for you but you keep dreaming about it, it won’t come true.

As discussed before, what you feel and what you think should align for the universe to act on it.

Focus on the ‘do’ aspect of your manifestation and not the ‘don’t’ aspect of it.

Negation- ‘don’t’, ‘not’ and ‘no’

Your thoughts create your reality and your beliefs stimulate the thoughts into existence. The only problem is that we tend to think of the things we ‘don’t’ want more than the things we ‘do’ want in our life.

The law of attraction doesn’t receive the words ‘don’t’, ‘not’, ‘no’. When you speak negatively in your thought the universe just receives them as commands.

For example, when you think ‘I don’t want people to be rude to me’, the universe hears ‘I want people to be rude to me’.

Simply putting it- the law of attraction is giving you what you are thinking about.   

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