The power of your mind

  • Its everywhere
  • Life is a mirror
  • You decide the positive and negative in your life
  • The time delay
  • Learn to quiet your mind

It’s everywhere

The law of attraction is everywhere. It is present in every thought you think, every word you say and every feeling you have.

Your thoughts may be unconscious but they are always present. Now that you learn about how to use your thoughts in your favour to manifest, you are becoming aware of your power as an element in the universe.

Life is a mirror

You draw everything to yourself. Think of it this way, the universe is the mirror and the image you create of yourself in your head is the one that the universe reflects in your life.

You are a magnet! What you think about, you bring about!

Start off slow, try manifesting something small first, maybe a cup of coffee or a chocolate. Practice it and move to bigger things and dreams gradually. The more you practice they better you’ll be.

It’s all about you! Your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings, your frequency.

You decide the positive and negative in your life

It takes many negative thoughts to bring negativity in your life, or even a sliver of it. If your worry about having negative thoughts you will you’ll attract worry in your life.

The same way, thinking many positive thoughts attract positivity, happiness and abundance into your life.

The more natural it is the easier it will manifest. Be happy, try to move your body, engage in activities that you find fun. The vibration of happiness attracts happiness and it will reflect in your life as is.

Decide what you want to attract in your life, the good or the bad?

The time delay

You must think if all the things we want in our life are that easy to manifest why don’t we just get them right away?

The answer is simple, imagine you’ve had a bad day, you’re hurt and you’re thinking all kinds of negative thoughts, if the universe were to give all the manifestations then and there then all your negativity would get manifested and you’ll probably have an even worse situation ahead of you.

Therefore, the time delay helps you, not only in bad situation but in good ones too. Sometimes you are just not ready to receive what you are asking for in your life because you don’t know how to handle it properly. A gambler, if asks for a million dollars and receives it the next minute, will spend all of it in a single day, because he does not know how to use that money to his benefit.

Similarly, when we ask for big dreams we not only have to think thoughts relating to it but we also have to show the universe that we are capable of handling and making our life better with the dream that we want in our life.

How to show the universe? Simple! Just take small steps towards your dreams and keep living your life. Do not stop your life at one single point and just keep dreaming of the things you want, that will only slow you down.

Learn to quiet your mind

Ever think why the richest people on this planet exercise meditation?

Because the more control you have on your mind the better control you will have at your life, i.e. on how you manifest.

When you learn to quiet the noise in your brain and only focus on your breathing, you allow your mind to clear out. This activity makes you become in a better position to have control over your thoughts as practising this makes your brain stronger, your imagination better and your ambitions higher.

When you quiet your mind and focus on your breathing you calm your soul and align with the universe. That is when you are at the frequency where the universe is as well.

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