Believe and know

  • What to see
  • What to speak
  • What to operate on


To effectively communicate to the universe and bring your dreams into existence there are certain techniques that you need to use to tip the scales in your favour.

In this article we will discuss the ways you can successfully bring your goals into your life by just conversing with the universe in the right way.

What to See

One of the most important things to manifest your desired is to see them. Visualize those dreams. Take a walk in a day of your dream life. What does it look like?

Imagine you have your dream house, take a walk in it. Take a walk in those rooms, go down the huge stairway, experience the kind of life you would live in it. Think about the dream job you want and imagine that you have it already. Take a stroll in that day, what kind of people are you surrounded by? What role and position do you have in your job? What do you feel like having that job?

Focus a lot on what you feel while imagining every scenario. Ask yourself what you feel like while you imagine the scenarios, happiness, excitement, contentment are all the feeling you should focus on. This will help you create you dream and make it to reality.

What to speak

All of us are aware that there are different kind of affirmations for manifesting. The most useful kind of affirmation is the ‘I am’ one. They’re pretty simple:

  • I am happy and healthy
  • I am successful
  • I am grateful

The use of ‘I am’ tells the universe that you are ready to receive whatever you are affirming and to be in that phase.

Let’s say you use the affirmation ‘I am happy now that’, after this phrase write anything you want to manifest. Like ‘I am happy and successful now that I have a million dollars in my bank account’.

Using this affirmation, you are telling the universe that you already have your manifestation, in turn creating it in your future life reality. Using the word ‘have’, you are telling the universe that whatever you are manifesting is already yours and you believe it.

What to operate on

Your daily life habits make a real difference to create you new reality. The more you move your body the better frequency you have while communicating with the universe.

Moving your body, exercising and playing sports make you relieve stress and makes your vibration higher.

The higher vibration you operate on clubbed with the affirmations you speak daily and the scenarios you visualize, you can easily manifest anything into your life!

The sky is the limit! There is no limit to what you can manifest into existence.

Other advantages of operating on higher frequency are that you attract the best of everything. Your ability to manifest becomes faster and small things attract really easily for you.

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